Fire departments throughout the U.S. have been implementing programs and policies aimed at reducing occupational exposure and health risks associated with vehicle contamination and the prevalence of known toxic, hazardous, and carcinogenic substances.
Wildland and WUI firefighting poses a very different problem, given the differences in tactics and strategies, making these protocols difficult to adopt.
Our team has worked to overcome these obstacles to implementation by identifying some very practical common-sense solutions to reducing risk for wildland and WUI firefighters.
Our goal is to communicate these recommendations to fire departments and decision-makers, and help them develop their own programs and policies that can significantly reduce exposure risk and improve the health and safety of our firefighters.
Below, you will find several documents that highlight key recommendations that can be implemented in both the short- and long-term. These recommendations are based on recent projects and research, to evaluate the dermal and respiratory risk to wildland and WUI firefighters.
The Wildfire Conservancy is here to help your agency, department, unit, or station with interventions that can help. Feel free to reach out with any questions or needs.
Download guidelines for identifying priority areas for decontaminating your vehicles, individual firefighter safety practices, and recommendations to reduce risk within the vehicles
Download the research findings and summary poster
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